New Pokemon Games coming to the Switch
There's a few that have been announced.
First was Pokemon Snap which has been released already. Anyone played this? What's it like? The trailers just do nothing for me and tells me nothing about it other than you walk around snapping pictures of pokemon... is that really all it is? Because that doesn't exactly sound like a thrilling game. I've seen people going mad about it saying it's great but if it's just that then I'm failing to see how it can be that great.
What does excite me though is the remakes of the 2006 Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. Originally released on the DS, they look like they'll be in the exact same style as Pokemon Let's Go. The games will be called Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. I really enjoyed playing Lets Go. The older Pokemon games are still my favourite, so playing them again with updated graphics is quite fun.
There's also a brand new game called Pokemon Legends: Arceus which is set to come out in January 2022. Pokemon Legends: Arceus will act as a prequel to Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: set in the feudal Sinnoh region. Can't wait for this one either.

By rhys Wed-11-Aug-2021 11:18:11
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsYeah, I have New Pokemon Snap and it’s fantastic. I completed it in about 40 hours (snapping every Pokemon) and then recently they added free DLC so I have more to do.
New Pokémon Snap is a sequel to the original on N64. You follow a fixed path taking photos of Pokemon. You have to try and snap them all in four different poses.
I’m super excited for the DP remakes and Legends: Arceus could be amazing from what I’ve seen.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By taker_2004 Wed-11-Aug-2021 18:48:49
Jobber · 71 commentsI didn't realize they were coming out so soon. I'm stoked yo.
I completely passed on the latest new releases, and didn't really enjoy UltraSun/Moon. XY were pretty good, though the whole France theme was meh. The graphics and meta were great though.
These two new ones, the remake and the prequel are right up my ally.

By benjawi Wed-11-Aug-2021 19:19:42
Admin · 3,242 commentsSun/Moon I enjoyed. Sword/Shield though weren't for me. I don't think I got very far on it... I should try it again some time though as I hated The Witcher 3 the first time I played it and loved it when I picked it up again 8 months later. I preferred the games when they were simpler though. Like I didn't enjoy part of Sun/Moon. I don't care for the Gigantamax raids in Sword/Shield. Just want to catch some Pokemon and battle gyms as I work my way through to the top.
But Arceus looks so good. Just hope that since it's a prequel game it'll keep the features to a minimum.

By rhys Wed-11-Aug-2021 20:23:38
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI didn't realize they were coming out so soon. I'm stoked yo.
I completely passed on the latest new releases, and didn't really enjoy UltraSun/Moon. XY were pretty good, though the whole France theme was meh. The graphics and meta were great though.
These two new ones, the remake and the prequel are right up my ally.
Sword and Shield is good. UK themed.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By taker_2004 Wed-11-Aug-2021 22:40:48
Jobber · 71 commentsSun/Moon I enjoyed. Sword/Shield though weren't for me. I don't think I got very far on it... I should try it again some time though as I hated The Witcher 3 the first time I played it and loved it when I picked it up again 8 months later. I preferred the games when they were simpler though. Like I didn't enjoy part of Sun/Moon. I don't care for the Gigantamax raids in Sword/Shield. Just want to catch some Pokemon and battle gyms as I work my way through to the top.
But Arceus looks so good. Just hope that since it's a prequel game it'll keep the features to a minimum.
Wow, agreed one-hundo. I also didn't like Witcher 3, but I haven't given it a go, maybe I will lol.
I haven't licked any of their gimmicks since Mega Evolution. The trials were a cool idea but poorly executed IMO, they shoulda been more like Pokemon Stadium mini games, which really woulda added to the replay value and coulda been added to the post-game on some island or whatever. Z-Crystals were alright. Hate G-Maxing (I battle on ShowDown sometimes even if I don't own the games).
Sword and Shield is good. UK themed.
That map and aesthetics/graphics looked nice, didn't even mind the Pokemon. But I just absolutely loath G-Maxing (the theme song is catchy though until it drives you insane---Lalalalala)

By rhys Thu-12-Aug-2021 00:54:49
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI love the battle theme with the fans chanting. In fact I think sword and shield has some of the best music in any Pokemon game.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Sun-17-Apr-2022 13:22:28
Admin · 3,242 commentsSome surprising news was announced last month - a new Pokemon game that will be released this year! After Arceus I wasn't expecting a new Pokemon game until 2023.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You can read the announcement here: … this-year/

By ré_mullé Wed-24-Aug-2022 08:47:53
Mid Card · 151 commentsPokemon Red > Every other pokemon game

By rhys Wed-24-Aug-2022 14:41:42
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsPokemon Red > Every other pokemon game
You are incorrect. <3
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By ré_mullé Thu-25-Aug-2022 06:56:49
Mid Card · 151 commentsyour mom's incorrect

By rhys Thu-25-Aug-2022 07:00:11
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsLegit though, Red is a garbled and broken mess lol. And i love it. But hell at least take the remake over the OG lol
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By ré_mullé Thu-25-Aug-2022 07:09:50
Mid Card · 151 commentsLegit though, Red is a garbled and broken mess lol. And i love it. But hell at least take the remake over the OG lol
I wouldn't know, I've only played Red. I download it once every couple years and start again. Rhys do your kiddos like pokemon? My oldest is six and has been pokemon crazy for a long time now, it's nice sharing a passion with him like this. His last birthday party was pokemon themed, we dressed up as Team Rocket for Halloween in 2019

By ré_mullé Thu-25-Aug-2022 07:13:10
Mid Card · 151 commentsLast edited by ré_mullé (Thu-25-Aug-2022 07:13:49)

By benjawi Thu-25-Aug-2022 16:01:26
Admin · 3,242 commentsDude, that's awesome. If I have a kid I'm gonna be annoyed if they don't like Pokemon. Don't care if they don't like anything else that I like. My nephews love it though.
Pokemon Red/Blue is still my favourite though. Kanto will always be the best Dex region

By rhys Thu-25-Aug-2022 19:12:21
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsLegit though, Red is a garbled and broken mess lol. And i love it. But hell at least take the remake over the OG lol
I wouldn't know, I've only played Red. I download it once every couple years and start again. Rhys do your kiddos like pokemon? My oldest is six and has been pokemon crazy for a long time now, it's nice sharing a passion with him like this. His last birthday party was pokemon themed, we dressed up as Team Rocket for Halloween in 2019
I only have one kiddo but yes, my son loves Pokemon. And my nephew. They play all the games lol.
Thats awesome dude!
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By ayushiest Thu-27-Oct-2022 08:55:14
Jobber · 1 commentsI love pokemon games.

By benjawi Tue-1-Nov-2022 18:58:09
Admin · 3,242 commentsNot long until Violet and Scarlet are out. Can't wait.

By rhys Wed-2-Nov-2022 13:37:28
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsNot long until Violet and Scarlet are out. Can't wait.
I'm hyped. Seems like this one is gonna be special.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By rhys Tue-8-Nov-2022 14:15:47
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments
Newest trailer, with the game's official theme "Celestial" by Ed Sheeran.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Mon-13-Feb-2023 11:13:08
Admin · 3,242 commentsPicked up Violet the other month. I enjoy this one a lot more than I did Sword and even Arceus. For some reason I just couldn't get on with Sword, and Arceus was bigger up far too much for a game that is more repetitive than other Pokemon games. Really been enjoying Violet, though. Not sure why I enjoy it so much more than Sword. Just seems to grab my attention more.

By rhys Mon-13-Feb-2023 20:26:46
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsPicked up Violet the other month. I enjoy this one a lot more than I did Sword and even Arceus. For some reason I just couldn't get on with Sword, and Arceus was bigger up far too much for a game that is more repetitive than other Pokemon games. Really been enjoying Violet, though. Not sure why I enjoy it so much more than Sword. Just seems to grab my attention more.
The open world aspect helps a lot. Sword and Shield were good, but SV is a clear upgrade. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. Easily the best Pokemon game for me ans the story was great.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!
By benjawi Wed-11-Aug-2021 10:49:10
Admin · 3,242 comments