


4w Forums

4W News and announcements
Introduce Yourself Thread
Wed-4-Dec-2024 00:36:40 by rhys


The place for WWE related discussions. WWE are by far the biggest wrestling federation around, so plenty of discussions to be had.
FASTLANE 2023 Prediction Contest
Sat-7-Oct-2023 23:50:40 by Snake!
Discuss All Elite Wrestling, and its show Dynamite - the hottest new show in wrestling!
WrestleDream 2023 Prediction Contest
Sun-1-Oct-2023 23:51:42 by Reamer
Other Feds
Wrestling feds that aren't WWE. There's plenty of them, from Impact to NJPW all the way down to your local feds. In fact, tell us about your local feds.
The Iron Shiek has passed away
Mon-12-Jun-2023 07:49:00 by rhys

General Talk

Off Topic
For anything that doesn't have a forum - general random things.
All sport that isn't wrestling.
Prem 21/22
Fri-13-May-2022 13:45:24 by benjawi
TV & Film
"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is."

Wed-6-Sep-2023 20:58:22 by speculant
Without music, life would be a mistake.
Top 5 favourite bands
Fri-1-Nov-2024 16:44:54 by Moon
Video Games
"This is your fault. I'm going to kill you. And all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?" - GLaDOS
New Pokemon Games coming to the Switch
Mon-13-Feb-2023 20:26:46 by rhys


4w's very own wrestling e-fed. Fantastic fed of a fantastic nature.
GM Game
Chairmen of the boards - be the chairman and have full control over your brand.
GM Game Discussion Thread
Thu-17-Oct-2019 23:57:17 by Sery