Looking for Manhunt (2001) Aired on UPN Starring Pre-WWE John Cena


By speculant Tue-21-Jun-2022 15:48:39

Jobber · 2 comments

So far, I can only find two videos:




but I would like to find the full show run of six episodes. I've looked many places on the internet, even searching torrents, and I can't find it anywhere. Would anyone happen to have the recordings from the original UPN broadcast? I don't believe it was ever released on VHS/DVD.


By rhys Thu-23-Jun-2022 20:58:43

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

There's a youtuber called Whang! who does a series on lost wrestling related media. Might be worth giving him a message.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Snake! Fri-24-Jun-2022 03:24:17

Administrator · 1,177 comments
rhys wrote

There's a youtuber called Whang! who does a series on lost wrestling related media. Might be worth giving him a message.

I almost want to message him, just because i never even heard of this before... and dude has a good track record of finding all their is to know on this lost media type of stuff.


By speculant Wed-6-Sep-2023 20:58:22

Jobber · 2 comments

This is the only other related item I've been able to find so far:

https://variety.com/2000/tv/news/upn-s- … 117790190/


By speculant Tue-14-Jan-2025 16:28:56

Jobber · 2 comments

It has been found! All 6 episodes of the 2001 show Manhunt have been uploaded to the Internet Archive:
