Cody Gone


By Ninjak_XO Wed-16-Feb-2022 11:06:00

Main Event · 977 comments

AEW announced the other day that Cody has left AEW. I thought he'd be there for life considering he helped create it.

Talk is that he'll be going back to WWE, which let's be honest would be a coup for them as he's been a huge part of AEW's emergence.



By rhys Wed-16-Feb-2022 13:08:51

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Yeah very shocking and makes you think what's going on behind the scenes with Cody. It seems that his relationships soured there somewhat.

Either that or it's one big fucking work.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By benjawi Wed-16-Feb-2022 19:41:42

Admin · 3,242 comments

Imagine if it's a huge work and WWE go along with it genuinely thinking that they'll be resigning Cody lol

I think he's gone though and we'll see him back in WWE... Didn't think he'd ever go back as you'd think he would have to cut all ties with AEW. So no board position that he had initially


By ré_mullé Sat-26-Feb-2022 08:03:19

Mid Card · 151 comments



By EoE Sat-23-Apr-2022 00:49:13

Jobber · 8 comments

Glad that Cody left.   AEW brought me back into wrestling after years away, but Cody’s act had gotten old fast.  In the early days of the company, when I thought of AEW, Cody was the first wrestler who popped into my head.  By the end I felt like he just didn’t fit anymore.


By ré_mullé Tue-24-May-2022 07:57:05

Mid Card · 151 comments
EoE wrote

Glad that Cody left.   AEW brought me back into wrestling after years away, but Cody’s act had gotten old fast.  In the early days of the company, when I thought of AEW, Cody was the first wrestler who popped into my head.  By the end I felt like he just didn’t fit anymore.

Cody vs Dustin in 2019 was superb tho


By rhys Tue-24-May-2022 18:02:39

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments
ré_mullé wrote
EoE wrote

Glad that Cody left.   AEW brought me back into wrestling after years away, but Cody’s act had gotten old fast.  In the early days of the company, when I thought of AEW, Cody was the first wrestler who popped into my head.  By the end I felt like he just didn’t fit anymore.

Cody vs Dustin in 2019 was superb tho

Hell yes it was. Cody's best match right there.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!